Zvuková technika - Noise Control
TMT 600
The TMT 600 is a dedic ated long throw horn loaded 2-Way Ac tive Trapezoid Mid/Hi enc los ure, compris ing of 1 x high-powered 10″
(262.7mm) and 1 x 1.4″ compres s ion driver. B oth horns are 50º x 40º Trac trix horns (the Trac trix horn is des igned to produc e a hemis pheric al wave front and to have les s c oloration than other
horns ). This means that when us ed in a trapezoid box, in array s ituations you have no phas ing between each box. The TMT 600 has been designed to be flown or ground stacked in an array,
and when used in conjunction with the RGW 112 Trapezoid bass enclosure you have one of the purest bass/mid/hi set up’s on the market.
The TMT 600 has a useable frequency range from 250hz-18kHz. 1 x TMT 600 will give you 135dB maximum S PL@1w/1m. If you couple 4 x TMT 600’s in an array you get 142dB maximum S PL@1w/1m.
a p p l i c a t i o n s :
• open-air live mus ic concerts and fes tivals
p e rma n e n t i n s t a l l a t i o n s i n :
• auditoriums
• theatres
• sports s tadiums
• medium-large clubs
• places of worship
f e a t u r e s :
• eas y truck packing
• flying capabilities
• practically placed handles
• array capabilities
• ergonomic des ign
• very high S P L capability
• textured water res is tant
Noise Control Green coating

Cena pronájmu
1800,- Kč/den bez DPH.